Parenting Guru Pinky McKay on preventing tantrums and coping with them, also time out, does it work? Teaching your child about feelings and how to regulate their emotions and the i Pad. Also brilliant comedian and mum of 5 Fiona O'Loughlin.

Mummas we're so excited to bring you the genius that is Pinky McKay this week. Bec was rather star struck talking to Pinky saying 'I think I'd be less nervous speaking to Brad Pitt'. Pinky will help you to understand your kid's tantrums, why they happen and what you can do without them? Also, teaching your kids to understand their feelings and regulate their emotions. What about if they're really naughty, does time out work? What are the alternatives? You'll fall in love with Pinky, she's full of love and life and you can tell she just genuinely cares about people and wants to best for us and our kids! 

Also this week Australian comedian Fiona O'Loughlin is hilarious naturally talking candidly about raising her five kids and life as a working comedian. Saying although she loved her job she got back from Edinburgh once to see her 3 year Tess (that is pregnant now with her grandchild) having a bath 'I looked at her little 3 year old shoulders, and I thought ohhh I've missed a whole month of you'. How beautiful and relatable is that as a working mother? That moment you drop your kids off for the day and your heart just sinks. 

It's a great show featuring two inspiring mothers, we hope you enjoy it!